Jan 21, 2018

Weekly Recap @ The Bengali Nomad #3

Sunday Post Stacking the shelves
Since this weekly blog post will be linking up to both Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, I've decided to label it as Weekly Recap, just to keep things simple.  

This week has been what I would say generally my more laid back week, with just two ARCs in the mail. Can't say that I'm not looking forward to reading them though! Ink, Iron and Glass is a fantasy novel based around the concept of people known as scriptologers, who can create new worlds with their writing. Daughters of the Storm, on the other hand, is a "Norse-flavored fantasy epic", which comes out in March. I had already gotten a copy of this from the publisher before so I wasn't expecting another copy in the mail. But hey: two is better than one right?

On the other hand, I finally went to the local public library this Saturday! I've been in Annapolis since late August but I hadn't visited the public library till now, particularly because I walk everywhere and the library is a 30 minute walk away. But I really wanted to change that. So I placed some books on hold online beforehand and picked them up yesterday. It was a nice, sunny day outside, and definitely a huge improvement from the cabin fever I'd been having throughout the entirety of last week.

Library hauls:

-The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan (Finally getting back to the PJO universe, YAY!)

-Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray (I received an ARC of Defy the Worlds from the publisher but I hadn't read the first book before.)

-Empress of a Thousand Skies (Same reason for borrowing as Defy the Stars)

-Everless by Sara Holland

If any of you have read these books, please leave me a feedback or links to reviews. I'd really appreciate it!

I get a 200$ gift card for the campus bookstore each semester (because my college is awesome!) and I still had 188$ left after buying books for this semester. So this Friday, I went on a little book buying spree at the college bookstore. I still have more than a 100$ left on my gift card, but I'm saving that for later. 

Books I bought:

Ithaca by Patrick Dillon (A retelling of The Odyssey from Telemachus' POV)

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (My father had a really old edition of this back at home, but I liked the Harper Perennial paperback way too much)

War Poems by John Hollander (editor) (My campus bookstore has a large collection of Everyman's Library Pocket Poets poetry books. They are so cute and pocket sized that I HAD to get one. I would recommend anyone to buy an Everyman's Library Pocket Poets poetry book, even if it's just to have it in their collection.)

That's it from me! What do you think about my haul? Anything you've already read or would love to read? Let me know in the comments below and feel free to leave a link to your weekly haul post as well. Happy Reading!


  1. I love the covers of the ARCs you shared, they're so pretty! And hooray for the library and Everless-- I requested that book from my local library, and I'm hoping I can pick it up soon (it has a lot of holds haha). I haven't read any of the other books you featured except for The Dark Prophecy. I love Riordan books. I hope you enjoy it! Your college sounds awesome!
    claire @ clairefy

  2. Lots of great reads! I have most of these on my To be read! ♥

  3. Such a great haul and it's awesome that you were able to get out and walk to the library. I'm horrible at putting books on hold. Or maybe you could look at it as I'm awesome about doing it. It's such a convenience. However, it's still fun to go and just browse sometimes.
